How To Get Good Grades in O-Level Exams? Tips

There are several factors that affect your grade in an examination. These factors can range from preparation time to the type of questions asked. If you are preparing for O level exams, there are things you need to do to increase your chances of getting a high grade.


Do you want to score above 80% in your O-Level exams? If yes, then follow these simple steps to ensure your grades go sky high!



How To Get Good Grades in O-Level Exams? Tips


Introduction: This article comes from an old school teacher in the 90’s. He always used to emphasize the importance of practice when it came to exams. He was very confident that you will know the answer to every question but you need to be able to give the best possible effort in order to get good marks in the exams. He would say something like: “If you have to memorize it, do not bother trying to understand it.”


Read the Exam Paper Carefully

The exam paper is one of the most important parts of the exam. The key to cracking it is to read it carefully and answer questions based on your understanding of the topic, rather than simply memorizing facts. It may seem obvious, but many students don’t read it properly, and are just trying to cram as much material into their brains as possible.



Create an Action Plan for O-Level Exam

The first thing that you need to do is create an action plan for your studies. Write down all the things that you need to do. For example, if you don’t have a book that you can practice the questions and answers with, then you need to get one as soon as possible. After you have a clear idea of what you need to do, start doing it. You can also use a calendar. Get a calendar that allows you to set reminders and alarms and keep track of deadlines and activities. This can be a huge help in your studies.



Set a Study Schedule

Set a study schedule and stick to it. The best time to study is when you can put aside your day to day business and focus on your studies. You will want to set aside about an hour or two every evening, when you should spend time in a quiet place, doing your studies. Your brain is most receptive to learning new things in the morning, after you wake up, and late at night. In fact, you are likely to learn more in the evening than you will during the day.



Evaluate Your Progress

Whether you’re using the same method for tracking your progress or you’re coming up with a new way of tracking your progress, you should evaluate your results regularly to make sure you’re seeing the progress you need to see. As soon as you start getting results, you need to reassess what you’re doing.


Learn About the O-Level Exam’s Structure

It’s important to familiarize yourself with what’s on your exam so that you can prepare accordingly. But if you’re a beginner in any subject, it may be difficult to figure out what exactly you need to know to ace the test.


Write Your Own Notes on All O-Level Subjects

Write study notes on all the subjects  of O-level examination, whether it is Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc. This is because it gives you the opportunity to practice your memory and recall skills. Writing notes in advance also gives you the chance to study for it and understand it better. If you don’t prepare your notes properly, you may just end up wasting time. Specially you must make notes of the questions you struggle on.



Choose and Practice Study Techniques

Study techniques are just that: tools that help you learn. They aren’t inherently good or bad. Some are useful, others aren’t. The most important thing about study techniques is knowing which ones you’re best suited to use. For example, you may not need to study if you can easily answer the questions posed in an exam, but you still need to practice because you may not know the material well enough to do it in your head without studying.



Analyze the Exam Paper

The next strategy on our list is something that many students could use to improve their grades: analyzing exam papers. The process of analysis can involve marking out key words and phrases on the paper, highlighting words that appear over and over again, and making notes about the content of the paper. All of these are important steps in the process of exam preparation and they can help students to understand the context of the questions they’ll be answering in the exam and the content of the answer sheet.



 Review all past papers of O-Level

This is a very simple method that can save a lot of time, especially if you don’t want to start studying from scratch. First of all you just need to cover all the questions of previous years papers of O-Level.



Practice for the Exam

An effective test-prep method is to write out answers to the questions you’ve been studying. The more you study, the more prepared you’ll feel. Test-prep books are available online, as well.


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Prepare for Exam Day

With two weeks to go until exam day, you should spend time reviewing the syllabus, looking up sample questions and the course’s teaching methods, and practicing the techniques and strategies that you’ll use to solve exam questions. If you don’t practice before the exam, your exam skills may deteriorate with time or because you simply get distracted. This is especially true if you’re taking an O-Level exam.


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Last but not least when you’re taking your O-level exams, your results depend on three things—how well you study, how well you sleep, and how well you perform under pressure.


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In conclusion, the first thing you need to do to improve your performance in exams is to know how to study for them. The second thing you need to do is to know how to study effectively, so that your exam scores are maximized. Finally, you need to know when to stop studying. Don’t be a slave to the fear of failing—know when to give up and move on to other things.


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