How To Write a CV? Top 20 CV Format Tips

How To Write A CV (Resume)? 20 Golden Tips About CV Format
CV writing is an art which every student and job seeker must master. Majority of us do not acknowledge its importance. Perfect CV is a key to your success in getting your desired job. It reflects your abilities to produce results in your specialized field in a way that motivates employers to interview you. In this article we shall try to discuss that how a perfect CV is written and what are most common mistakes in CV writing.

How To Write a CV? 20 CV Format Tips

How To Write a CV? Top 20 CV Format Tips

The most important ingredient of CV is communication. It means that an ideal CV should be simple and precise. The message should be clear and targeted. CV reflects your ability of written communication so you should write it with masterly hands.
Another important part of a great CV is presentation of your expertise. CV is in fact your self-appraisal or self assessment. It should represent your qualities in a way that it compels employer to call you for interview. Your CV/resume can be seen as a work project that you take on with your self as the employer. So present your strengths in detail. But remember resume is not the whole story, it is an attractive summary your strengths.
The goal of CV/resume is not to get a job for you, its main purpose is to motivate employer to meet you personally for an interview and add some on the scale for final consideration. At the time of final consideration just results count. Not reasons, not your past achievements, not mere explanations, not future hopes, not lame excuses. Not even for that matter your education or yesterday job. All these thing are irrelevant. The deciding factor is what happens after you start? What would we produce with you on our team? A perfect CV or resume is not your autobiography. It is your prospectus for future. So try to convince the employer that your selection will be a profitable decision for the organization.

Top 20 CV Format Tips
Here we shall discuss some important rules for writing a CV.
1-CV should not be too long recommended strength is one page but it is too not a hard and fast rule.

2- C.V should be written in an organized manner. Information should not be scattered around the page.

3-Avoid unnecessary details and long paragraphs.

4- Beware of misspellings, typographical errors and poor grammar.

5-Avoid too many irrelevancies for example height, weight, sex material status, sect, etc

6-Do not over right at all.

7-Do not use fancy typesetting and binders, photographs and color paper.

8- Emphasize should be on relevant details. It is not important to write in chronological order.

9-Supporting data should not be too long.

10-First write about your higher educational degrees.

11-C.V/resume should not be poorly typed and printed. It should be easy to read and must not look unprofessional.

12-Name, address and telephone number should be centered at top.

13-Leave margins at sides and bottom at least one inch wide.

14- Write in paragraphs of ten to fifteen lines.

15-CV format and visual appearance must invite one to read it.

16-Impressive cover letter with CV will force the employer to read your C.V attentively.

17-Never use a one model resume for all kinds of jobs.

18-Never use the a sample resume from a book or Internet, as experienced employer can easily realize that you have used a CV template. Always write your resume in your own words. You may read the different CV templates for getting ideas.

19-Never use online C.V writing softwares. Originality matters more than CV format.

20-Last but not least that resume must demonstrate candidate’s ability to produce positive results.


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