First Banking Jobs Online Test in Pakistan, Solved MCQs & Tips

Pakistan’s First Banking Jobs Online Quiz For Written MCQ Test With Solved MCQs & Tips
Banking jobs are very popular in Pakistan. Every graduate has a dream of joining the bank. Each bank has its own format and pattern of written MCQ test, but majority of questions are about banking profession. We have not seen even a single online test about banking jobs in Pakistan on internet, that’s why we have designed this first ever banking jobs online test in Pakistan. You must attempt our other general knowledge quizzes too. We are also going to publish first online job interview quiz on our website. In case of success in written MCQ test, you must try it too.

How To Get Banking Jobs? Career Counseling & Super Tips

First Banking Jobs Online Test in Pakistan, MCQsFirst Banking Jobs Online Test in Pakistan, MCQs

First Banking Jobs Online Test in Pakistan, Solved MCQs & Tips

Banking jobs are given purely on merit base as these individuals have to deal with very delicate financial matters. Your preparation for banking jobs test should be excellent. You should have enough general knowledge about functions of a commercial bank. You must read a lot about the history and latest schemes of that specific bank for which you are going to apply. Your knowledge about your relevant study field and economics/commerce should also be very good. Of course you should also have command over general knowledge, Pakistan History, Geography, Current Affairs, Everyday Science, Islamic Studies, Pakistan Studies, Urdu, Mathematics, Statistics and IT. We have published online quizzes on about all these topics. Take these online quizzes too before applying for banking jobs in Pakistan.

Remember that some banks provide sample papers too for their written MCQ test. These model papers will also prove best source for your preparation. Utilize them wisely as sample papers and online tests can just give you an idea about format and pattern of written MCQ test for any banking job. We have also written some useful articles about winning a banking job in Pakistan. Links are available on this page. We also suggest you to read these articles too. We are also going to upload more similar quizzes. You just need to stay in touch with us and our facebook page for more guidance about banking jobs in Pakistan.

1. Which public sector bank acts as agent of State Bank of Pakistan, where the SBP branches are not present?


2. Through a credit card we


3. State bank of Pakistan SBP act was passed in ……..?


4. How much interest is given on current account?


5. Name at least three government sector banks of Pakistan?


6. Which one of these is a negotiable instrument?


7. Two banking holidays in Pakistan are generally given on …………?


8. SECP stands for ………….?


9. PLS is the abbreviation of which kind of account?


10. First Muslim bank pre partition was HBL. It was established in ………..?


11. Negotiable Instrument act was introduced in ………..?


12. In which year Bhutto”s government nationalized the banks in Pakistan


13. Through a debit card we


14. Zakat is deducted in Pakistani banks on which date?


15. Name the central controlling bank of Pakistan?


16. Which is the most recommended professional exam for a banking job?


17. What is GBO?


18. IBP stands for what?


19. Who is the chief controlling officer of a bank branch?


20. Dishonoring of a cheque is ………..


21. Quaid e Azam inaugurated the State Bank of Pakistan SBP on which date?


22. Teller is also called ………….?


23. Name at least three private banks in Pakistan?


24. Which financial institution in Pakistan provide interest free loans of different kinds?


25. Which is the government sector saving financial institution in Pakistan?


26. Which one of these is the real proper forum for banking cases?


27. Which is the tallest building in Pakistan


28. The oldest bank still in existence is ……..?


29. How a crossed cheque is paid?


30. Agha Hassan Abidi was founder of which international bank?


31. Which one of these is a foreign bank in Pakistan?


32. MTO is the abbreviation of ………..?


33. Contract act was introduced in …………?


34. Where a customer can file a case personally without hiring a lawyer against any bank?


35. ATM is the abbreviation of …………..?


36. Delivery of financial services outside conventional bank branches is called………..?


37. Cheque is a ………….?


38. Zakat is not deducted on …………?


39. Which one these is an Islamic bank in Pakistan?


40. In mortgage we give ……….. to bank as a security for a loan?


Question 1 of 40