First European History Online Test in Pakistan, GK MCQs

1st European History Online Quiz in Pakistan, General Knowledge MCQs

European History is a very important subject for aspirants of CSS and PMS. Europe is the most important continent in the modern history due to its rapid progress in the last 400 years. Europe was ruling over the whole world till the second world war. Still EU is the big world player. Two atomic power countries of Europe are still members of UNO security council i.e UK and France. It is not easy to cover the all important of whole European history in a single online quiz. That’s why we have chosen MCQs about most important events of European History for this quiz.

Importance of European History Online Test

These History of Europe MCQs will open new doors of general knowledge in your mind. You must read details about all these incidents which have been pointed out in our European History online test. We shall publish detailed articles too on all these topics in future. Our European History online test is the first online quiz of its kind in Pakistan. Our research and development team members are topper gazetted officers and senior professors of foreign universities. They have been provided reference library of 10000 books on all topics of general knowledge by Soon you will feel that your favorite portal is the best online testing website of the world.

First European History Online Test in Pakistan, GK MCQs


First European History Online Test in Pakistan, GK MCQs

We have already published 3 online quizzes on History on our website i.e Pakistan History, Indo-Pak History and Islamic History. Its just the beginning as soon we are going to develop and publish lot more similar online quizzes on various unique topics which will be helpful for students of all age groups and job seekers. If you want to improve your general knowledge rapidly then visit and its facebook page daily. Now its the time to take European History online test.

1. When collective defence treaty Warsaw Pact was signed between USSR and 7 its satellite states?


2. Nuremberg trials were against ………………?


3. When were the Balkan wars?


4. When did former USSR break up?


5. Who was the most famous princess of whole Europe?


6. Crusades were religious wars between Muslims and …………..?


7. Hundred years war was fought between England and …………..?


8. Who conquered Spain in 711 AD?


9. Who was the leader of Radical Reformation Movement?


10. Mein Kampf was the autobiography of ………………?


11. Who was Charles de Gaulle?


12. Name the country who has left the EU through Brexit referendum?


13. Industrial revolution started from which country?


14. The Enlightenment movement of 18th century was against ………….?


15. Second world war continued from 1939 to ………….?


16. When Yugoslavia fall apart?


17. When European Union was founded?


18. What is Renaissance?


19. In which was French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated finally?


20. Who was the founder of German Empire?


21. When East India Company was founded?


22. Where Alexander the Great was died?


23. When Austro-Hungarian Empire came into existence?


24. When Ottoman Empire was founded?


25. Where Karl Marx and Albert Einstein were born?


26. When Spanish fleet Armada with 130 ships sailed to invade England?


27. What is IRA?


28. When Magna Carta was signed?


29. When Roman Kingdom was dissolved?


30. When French revolution was started?


31. Who was the leader of Russian revolution 1917?


32. Who founded the Roman empire in 27 BC?


33. When Byzantine Empire was founded?


34. When was the Berlin Wall knocked down?


35. Roman Republic was dissolved in which year?


36. Who was the fascist leader of Italy during world war 2?


37. When Czechoslovakia was dissolved?


38. When NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was formed?


39. In which country Pope has been ruling from 1929?


40. Who was the first emperor of Holy Roman Empire?


Question 1 of 40