General Knowledge Online Quiz, MCQs

General Knowledge Online Test, Multiple Choice Questions (GK MCQs)
General knowledge is the key to success in modern era. For clearing any entry test, competitive exam or recruitment test, you must have strong general knowledge. MCQs are best way to improve and check your general knowledge that’s why majority of our tests and quizzes are related to MCQs. Almost all our online quizzes are about different fields of general knowledge, but today we are going to publish random MCQs about all fields of GK in our first general knowledge online quiz.

General Knowledge Online Quiz, MCQs

General Knowledge Online Quiz, MCQs

It will take a long time to publish enough general knowledge online tests on our website, but at last we have entered in this field too. In near future there will be available lot more GK quizzes on our website. We want to provide unlimited practice and preparation facilities to our visitors on their favorite portal. We need your cooperation in this regard. After taking our first general knowledge online quiz, don’t forget to give your feedback. Your feedback will help us in improving the standard of our future GK quizzes.You may also send us online tests on different topics in MCQs style with minimum 20 questions, we shall publish them with your name, picture and introduction. Now its time to take general knowledge online quiz. Best wishes for all of you.

General Knowledge Online Quiz, MCQs about different fields of GK. All questions have been taken from previous papers of different recruitment and competitive exams.

1. Where the famous Shark bay is situated?


2. Who led the Japan in the second world war?


3. Chabahar is a free port of which country?


4. Which is the deepest lake of the world?


5. Sonia Gandhi is the widow of ……………..?


6. Where salt water lake Hamun Mashkel is situated?


7. Which ancient Greek scholar was compelled to drink poison?


8. Mesopotamia was the old name of which country?


9. Where the deepest part of the ocean Marina trench is situated?


10. Who is the father of modern Malaysia?


11. Which is the longest river in Europe?


12. Who was Hirohito?


13. Civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr was citizen of which country.


14. Churchill was Prime Minister of which country?


15. Who was Sigmund Freud?


16. Who was the founder of Jainism?


17. How much percent mass of the ice berg floats above the surface of water?


18. Who was Otto von Bismarck?


19. The region between rivers Tigris and Euphrates is called ………….?


20. Gulf of Mexico (Largest Gulf of The World) is a part of which ocean?


21. Where the largest bay of the world (Hudson Bay) is situated?


22. Who initiated the Protestant reformation movement?


23. Aswan dam was constructed on which river?


24. Famous scholar Confucius belonged to which country?


25. Which is the only river that flows both north and south of the equator?


26. Nelson Mandela is the father of which nation?


27. Which river crosses the equator twice?


28. Which is the largest man made lake of the world?


29. Hackl e Sulemani was built in which city?


30. What is the similarity between Rati Jinnah (Wife of Quaid e Azam) and Feroze Gandhi (Husband of Indra Gandhi)?


31. Who was the first Governor General of India after partition?


32. Which is the most important crop in Nile delta?


33. Who wrote the famous book Das Kapital


34. Who wrote the famous book The Wealth of Nations?


35. Which is the driest non-polar desert?


36. When Suez canal was opened?


37. Which canal is called the gate way to Asia?


38. Rechna Doab is the region between which 2 rivers of Pakistan?


39. Which canal is called the gate way of pacific?


40. Who was the teacher of Plato?


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