First Online Foreign Affairs Quiz in Pakistan, MCQs

Pakistan’s First Online Test About Foreign Affairs, MCQs
Do you have interest in general knowledge and current affairs? If yes, then you must be fond of general knowledge about foreign affairs too. There is not a single online foreign affairs quiz is available in Pakistan. is going to publish first online foreign affairs quiz in Pakistan for CSS aspirants. We have already published first online international affairs quiz on our website. Its too a recommended quiz for you.

We have university professors, scientists, engineers, ex Principal of officer academy, govt officers, senior English journalists, doctors, senior educationalists, business executives and IT experts in our research team. Our professional team is developing very helpful quizzes for students and job seekers. Soon we shall prove that is the best online testing website in Pakistan.

First Online Foreign Affairs Quiz in Pakistan, MCQs

First Online Foreign Affairs Quiz in Pakistan, MCQs

Our all quizzes will be free of cost for all. Its our first online test on foregn affairs, soon more quizzes on related topics will also be uploaded. If you are serious candidate of CSS, PCS or PMS, then you must visit us daily. Like our facebook page too. Now start your first online foreign affairs quiz. Good luck for your future career as officer.

1. Pakistan purchased the Gwadar from Oman on 8 September……………in 3 million?


2. Which country of South Asia played the role of front line state against terrorism and Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1979?


3. When did Pakistan join the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)?


4. When SEATO was formed?


5. Pakistan played an important role in the relationship of USA and ……….. in 1971


6. When did Pakistan become the Member of United Nations?


7. Which first country recognized the Pakistan in 1947?


8. PM Liaquat Ali Khan refused the state visit of ………….?


9. Pakistan has still not recognized which country?


10. Which single country of the world opposed the inclusion of Pakistan in United Nations?


11. Pakistan was ally of which world power during the cold war (1945 to 1989)?


12. Which country helped the Pakistan in its missile program?


13. First PM of Pakistan Liaquat Ali Khan visited USA in ………………


14. Pakistan rejoined the British common wealth in …………?


15. Only UAE, Pakistan and ……….. had recognized the Taliban regime of 1996 to 2001


16. Which one of these project is the part of Chinese OBOR project (One Belt One Road Project)?


17. In which Arab Israeli war PAF fighter pilots shot down the Israeli jets planes?


18. When did Pakistan leave the British Common wealth?


19. Who was first lady foreign minister of Pakistan?


20. Who is the first commander in chief of United Muslim Army against terrorism?


21. Steel Mill in Karachi was established in 1973 with the help of ………….?


22. Name the first foreign Minister of Pakistan?


23. ECO stands for what?


24. Pakistan refused to send its troops in Saudi Arabia to fight against ………..?


25. Karachi Nuclear Power Complex (KNPC) was established with the cooperation of which country?


26. In which country Taliban has opened their office?


27. Which two foreign ministers of Pakistan later on became the PM?


28. Where second Islamic Summit conference 1974 was held in Pakistan?


29. When the first large-scale Asian–African conference (Bandung Conference) was held?


30. When SAARC Summit conference was first time held in Pakistan?


31. When Liaquat Nehru Pact was signed between India and Pakistan?


32. When did Pakistan and India join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization?


33. Why Trump has changed US foreign policy towards Pakistan?


34. Which airline of a non communist country took a flight to China?


35. When did Pakistan become Major Non Nato Ally (MNNA) of USA?


36. CENTO stands for …………?


37. When did Pakistan recognize the Bangladesh?


38. When RCD was signed between Pakistan, Turkey and Iran.


39. Where the Indo Pakistan dialogue was held after 1965 war?


40. Which PM of Pakistan was acting as ambassador of Pakistan in USA at the time of his appointment?


Question 1 of 40