All About Career & Scope of Blood Bank Technician Program in Pakistan
The objective of this article is to create awareness of blood bank technician course in Pakistan. With an estimated 3 million cases of blood transfusion worldwide each year, the demand for skilled blood bank technicians is on the rise. In today’s world, one cannot imagine a situation where blood and blood components are not available. Therefore, this industry has been growing day by day and people are getting ready to donate blood or blood components on regular basis.If you want to work in this growing field, then this post is specially for you.
What is a Blood Bank?
A blood bank is a facility that collects, processes, and stores blood for transfusion.
Syllabus of Blood Bank Technician Certificate
Blood Bank Technician course consists of four modules namely, Fundamentals of Blood Banking, Laboratory Operations, Blood Bank Administration and Medical Transfusion. Each module consists of lectures, case studies, practical assignments and laboratory practicals.
Career in The Field of Blood Bank, Courses, Jobs, Eligibility, Skills Needed, Pay, Fee
Importance of Blood Banking
Blood is the most precious life-saving liquid that circulates in our body. With blood transfusion, life can be saved. But the supply of donated blood is so limited that the demand for it is far beyond the supply. To ensure blood transfusion services in our country, a Blood bank technology course is essential. This training course will provide you with enough knowledge and practical skills to set up a blood bank in your home. You can also work with the government of Pakistan and help to establish an efficient blood bank. This is the first step in the provision of safe blood transfusion in Pakistan. So come and join blood bank technologist course in Pakistan and make a difference in people’s lives by saving lives with your technology skills.
It is very difficult for people to understand the scope of Blood Bank Technician course in Pakistan. This article will give you the complete idea regarding the course and its duration.
Qualities Needed in a Blood Bank Technician
In the blood bank industry, technicians work in a lab with equipment to perform tests to analyze blood for transfusions and for medical reasons. They also must be able to understand and communicate with people about blood samples and test results. Their work requires constant attention to detail, and blood bank technicians often deal with patients who are upset or confused, so they must be friendly, compassionate, and empathetic.
Blood Bank Technologist & Blood Bank Technician Job Description
A blood bank technician is responsible for ensuring blood supplies are kept at proper levels. This includes overseeing the distribution and storage of donated blood. Blood bank technicians also are expected to maintain records for each unit of blood used. They must ensure that every donation is valid and that the donor is a registered, eligible donor. Technicians must be vigilant about the potential spread of communicable diseases and monitor all donated blood for bacteria, viruses, or parasites. You may earn up to 60000 PKR per month as a blood bank technician in Pakistan.
How to Become a Blood Bank Technician in Pakistan?
In Pakistan one and two years diploma and certificate programs are offered in the field of blood banking. You may view an admission notice by Fatmid foundation on this page which shows that applicant must have got at least 45 percent numbers in matriculation with science subjects. Upper age limit of students is 30 years and lower age limit is 15 years. Students will also have to clear written test and interview. Fee of this course varies from 3k to 5k per month.
You can find numerous institutes for training in blood bank technician in Pakistan. We recommend you to get admission in 2 years diploma program as it is much better than 1 year certificate program. Here are some institutes that are providing the best blood bank technician course in Pakistan.
Fatmid Foundation Karachi
Isra University Hyderabad
Indus Hospital Karachi
Blessing School Of Paramedics Karachi etc
What You Will Learn in Blood Bank Technician Course in Pakistan?
1. You’ll be able to collect blood and other bodily fluids safely for transfusions.
2. You’ll learn how to prepare, store and process blood and plasma.
3. You’ll learn to sterilize medical equipment and sharps.
4. You’ll learn to screen donors and administer vaccines.
5. You’ll learn basic epidemiology and biostatistics.
6. You’ll be taught to identify and report adverse reactions to blood products.
7. You’ll be able to perform emergency transfusion procedures.
8. You’ll learn to manage the storage of blood, plasma and other blood components.
9. You’ll learn how to conduct a complete blood count.
10. You’ll learn to conduct a hemoglobin electrophoresis test.
11. You’ll learn to conduct a complete metabolic panel.
12. You’ll learn to conduct a urinalysis test.
13. You’ll learn to carry out a venereal disease screening test.
14. You’ll learn to administer a tetanus injection.
15. You’ll learn to provide immunization services.
16. You’ll learn to sterilize needles and sharps.
17. You’ll learn to operate blood donation and processing machines.
18. You’ll learn to prepare anticoagulant drugs.
19. You’ll learn to perform apheresis.
Who Can Become a Blood Bank Technician?
Before you jump into applying to blood banks for a job, there are certain qualities that you should possess to ensure you are the perfect candidate. One such quality is a positive attitude, or a willingness to learn new things and improve yourself. Other qualities required for blood bank technicians include the ability to work as a team and have compassion for others.
In conclusion, the main benefit of being a blood bank technician is that he/she has to be responsible for the safety and security of donated blood. A good blood bank technician should have good knowledge about the blood bank operations. He/she should have good knowledge about the latest blood tests, different types of blood tests, and other related topics. Moreover, a blood bank technician should be able to handle any emergency that comes up during the operation. If you want to be a successful blood bank technician, you need to take blood bank technician training classes now.