General Science Online Test-MCQs

General Science (Everyday Science) Online Quiz- GK MCQs

General Science is very important subject as it covers all branches of science. It is taught up to SSC level in Pakistan. In CSS exam everyday science is a compulsory subject. Our this general science online test is equally beneficial for CSS aspirants. We have selected top 40 most repeated and important MCQs in PCS, PMS and CSS exams for this general science online test. We have already published everyday science online test on, you must take that quiz too.

Everyday Science Online Quiz, MCQS

General Science Online Test-MCQs

Everyday science is a very very vast subject so there is still need of publishing lot more online quizzes on this topic in our online test category. Our team of experts is working on it. Soon you will see lot more online quizzes on the same topic on your favorite website. We need your suggestions too for topics of our new future online quizzes. We shall try our best to develop the test of your choice, so use the comment box given below this page for sharing your suggestions.

Now its the time to shine so take the general science online test and be proud to be the regular visitor of Visit and like our facebook page too for latest updates about our new online quizzes. Wish you best of luck for your preparation of competitive exam of any kind.

1. Which is called power house of the cell?


2. What is the density of water?


3. Which kind of wavelengths Very High Frequency (VHF) have?


4. Which one of these diseases is the result of deficiency of vitamin-A?


5. How many grams are there in a kilogram?


6. Gamma rays carry …….. charge?


7. What is the strongest bone in the human body?


8. What will be the effect on pressure, if for a fixed mass of gas at constant temperature we decrease volume?


9. How many bones are in the human body?


10. What is the outer most lawyer of the earth?


11. Life span of RBC is _________?


12. Which of the following group belongs to invertebrates?


13. Antimatter has ………….. charge?


14. Which is the largest gland in human a body?


15. Antiproton has ………… charge?


16. Who invented the airplane?


17. Which device convert the chemical energy into electric energy?


18. What is black hole?


19. What is the fourth state of matter?


20. Which of the following is a planet?


21. Which instrument is used to measure very high temperature?


22. Which meter is used to measure electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit?


23. What is the name of the male part of the flower?


24. CNG Stands for what?


25. What is the basic unit of the nervous system?


26. What is Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC)?


27. How many ounces are there in a pound?


28. What hormone does the pancreas produce?


29. Which of the following is made up of hydrogen and helium gases?


30. What is the 6th state of matter?


31. What is the SI unit of charge?


32. What is Bamboo?


33. Who is the father of quantum physics?


34. How many chromosomes are found in the human cell?


35. Who is the father of homeopathic medical system?


36. Which lens is the solution of Long-sight defect?


37. Sound can not travel through ________?


38. When white light is passed through a prism, it splits into __________ colors.


39. What is the rate of heart beat of a normal resting person?


40. What is the name of fluid part of blood?


Question 1 of 40