23 March Pakistan Day Essay & Speech

English Speech and Essay on Pakistan Day 23 March
Pakistan Resolution Day is a day when the country celebrates the adoption of the resolution on March 23, 1940, for the creation of Pakistan. The resolution was adopted by the All India Muslim League. On the same day in 1956 first constitution of Pakistan was promulgated. This day is also celebrated as republic day in Pakistan, as on 23 March 1956 Pakistan became first Islamic republic country.



What is Pakistan Resolution Day?

Pakistan Resolution Day is a national holiday in Pakistan to commemorate the passage of the Pakistan Resolution, which was adopted on March 23, 1940. The resolution called for the establishment of an independent Muslim state in British-controlled India.


23 March Pakistan Day Essay & Speech

23 March Pakistan Day Essay & Speech


Why it is Important?

On 23 March 1940, the All India Muslim League passed a resolution for demanding separate homeland for Indian Muslims. The resolution was passed with support from all provinces of India and shows the national unity. Pakistan day is an important day for the people of Pakistan because it celebrates their decision and commitment for a separate country. It is also a day to remember all of the sacrifices made by the people of Pakistan over the years in order to achieve independence.



How to Celebrate Pakistan Day on 23 March?

On 23 March, Pakistan celebrates its national day. The national day commemorates the passage of the resolution of the Indian Muslims in Lahore on 23 March, 1940, The resolution called for the establishment of Pakistan as a homeland for Muslims. In honour of this important event, many events are held throughout Pakistan to celebrate Pakistani culture and heritage. Some examples include cultural performances, food festivals, and parades. There are also various ceremonies and events that take place to mark different aspects of Pakistani history. We should celebrate this day with a commitment to serve our country and fellow citizens.


What is the Significance of March 23 Republic Day of Pakistan?

March 23, Pakistan’s Republic Day, is a day to commemorate the declaration of the country’s as a republic. On this day people of Pakistan decided that Pakistan will be a democratic country, but unfortunately later due to martial law in Pakistan, the true history of this day was changed. Now 23 March is just celebrated as Pakistan resolution day. The holiday is celebrated with a national parade and military ceremonies. The main celebrations take place in Islamabad, the capital, where an elaborate display of military hardware and marching bands fills the city’s main avenue.



What are the Traditions?

The 23 March is a national holiday in Pakistan that celebrates the passage of the Pakistan Resolution, which was adopted by the All India Muslim League on this date in 1940. The resolution called for the creation of a sovereign, democratic, and federal republic  for Indian Muslims in what was then British India. Traditionally on this day Pakistani people celebrate on Minar e Pakistan where Lahore resolution was passed. They also visit the tombs of Iqbal, Quad e Azam, Hafeez Jalindhari and other national heroes for paying them tribute on this occasion for their freedom struggle. They also cook Pakistani foods at home and distribute money in poor people. Schools, colleges and universities organize speech and essay writing competitions.

23 March as Pakistan Resolution Day Speech

Pakistan Resolution Day also known as Pakistan Day is observed on March 23 each year in Pakistan. It commemorates the day when the Muslim League passed the Pakistan Resolution at the Minar-e-Pakistan in Lahore which called for the establishment of an independent Muslim state in the form of a federation in British India. The resolution was presented by Muslim League leader Molvi AK Fazal ul Haque and was adopted by the party’s annual meeting on March 23, 1940. Quaid e Azam presided over this meeting. About 100K Indian Muslims attended this meeting in spite of poor law and order situation in Lahore. Representative of Muslims from all areas of India supported the resolution in their speeches. Begum Muhammad Ali Johar represented the Muslim women of India in this meeting. She was the only leader who used the word Pakistan in her speech. The day is a national holiday in Pakistan and is celebrated with official speeches parades and cultural events.


23 March as Republic Day in Pakistan Speech

Pakistan celebrates its Republic Day on 23 March each year. This date is significant as it marks the day when the country formally became a republic in 1956. On this day Pakistanis across the country take part in special events and festivities to mark the occasion. A number of important political and military speeches are also made on Republic Day. Lets promise that we will protect the democracy in Pakistan and 1973 constitution.


It is a very important day for the country and everyone should take part in the celebration. Lets celebrate this historic Pakistan day with pomp and show. Long Live Pakistan.


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