What is Virtual Reality? How Does The Oculus Rift Work?

Reality of Virtual Reality-How Does The Oculus Rift Work?
You must have heard or read about the concept of virtual reality through different sources of media. It is defined as a phenomenon in which a real life environment is created with the help of modern gadgets such that the viewer feels that he is experiencing a new world in the real life, which actually does not exist. This concept is not very new. For last 100 years, the scientists have been trying to create such a device that would make the fake impressions stand closer to the real ones. No difference can be found between what is happening in the virtual world and what happens in the real world. One such fruitful effort was the invention of a virtual reality headset named as “RIFT”, which was introduced about two years back.

Once you wear the device, it creates a curtain before your eyes and takes you into the world of imagination. Apparently it is very weird, but the fun part comes when you wear it. As soon as you wear it to play a game or enjoy a virtual scene, it takes you to a completely new world. Although, the new world has nothing to do with the real world around you, but the device creates such an impact that you feel like being a part of the virtually created world. The device is fitted with sensors, which control your brain in such a way that you don’t get the slightest feeling of looking at a fake view.

The device is appreciated for being light weight, that’s why it can easily be worn on the head. Once you wear this your movements are not restricted. You can do anything you want. You can move your head without any problem. You can enjoy the virtual images practically everywhere around you, regardless of which direction you turn your head. The inventor of this device Palmer Lucky gave the idea, when he was only 19 years old. It was just a prototype, which was greatly appreciated by the developer of the renowned games Quake and Doom. With the assistance of the game developers Palmer launched a campaign to get financed for his project. Soon before the closing of the campaign he was able to earn ten percent of the actual amount he needed, being twenty five lac American dollars. Before the game was introduced in the market, face book bought the company for two billion American dollars. Currently, the four versions of the Rift are created, but all of them are available for the developers only.

It is thought that the Rift will be available for the public by the end of 2015 or in the start of 2016.initially, it would be used for the computer based gaming programmers, but the experts say that soon they will be fitted with mobile phones too. The games supported by Oculus Rift are not much in number, but it is claimed that once this headset is out the number of games will be multiplied also. Currently, you will be able to enjoy the famous adventure games like Bio-shock and Team fortress 2.

Samsung mobiles have introduced a similar devices named for Galaxy note 4, know as Gear VR. It can work both as a screen and as a Rift. There is no need to attach it to your computer. It is pretty expensive, costing 200 American dollars, exclusive of the price of Note 6. It is hoped that once such gadgets are launched, the prices will come down too. To your relief, Google has already introduced cheaper devices, costing only 2500 Rupees. Read the details about virtual reality and working of oculus rift in Urdu Below this page. Visit Arqumhouse.edu.pk and its facebook page daily.

What is Virtual Reality? How Does The Oculus Rift Work?

What is Virtual Reality? How Does The Oculus Rift Work?

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